other relevent XKCD: https://xkcd.com/2166/
Coding is kind of like being a wizard. Like, y’all put a bunch of nonsense in just precisely the right order and then some electrictrified minerals bounce around and then a sandwich shows up at my door.
If the process was almost any amount sexier we would absolutely not let half the people running tech startups near it for -gestures broadly- obvious reasons.
One of those backdoors is in the front.
Thats the back backdoor
at least all those state actors will have to fight it out to control my system
and i have an excuse for poor application performance
It’s not my fault it takes ages to compile. It’s the government non mandated backdoors binaries causing it to take 3 hours instead of 2:59:59.5
What’s the real mind-blower: if some guy’s computer was slow, the entire world would get a backdoor.
Can’t we dynamically link them?
Yet people give me shit when I say “I don’t want that js tool because it has too many dependencies”