• MercurySunrise@slrpnk.net
    5 months ago


    • MercurySunrise@slrpnk.net
      5 months ago

      A mother, angry about state motherfuckers, downvoted on mother’s day. Damn.

      The second amendment: “WELL REGULATED MILITIA”, which is quite specifically a citizen’s army. I’m literally just advocating rights we were guaranteed at the beginning of our constitution. This shouldn’t actually be controversial. If you can’t regulate to an equal playing field, the only way to “well regulate” is by destruction. “Arms” isn’t exclusive to guns just as it isn’t exclusive to bombs. It is however made exclusive to THE PEOPLE’S RIGHT to “bear arms”. The people can find equality in arms that aren’t totally insane (such as the arms they had when the constitution was written), and that is an important part of saying well regulated. They designated the military as not an official part of “the people” (the citizenry), and the military itself technically has no right to bear arms. That is why it is within the purview of the second amendment, and arguably the government’s job, to destroy all arms not accessible to the people (ALL THE PEOPLE). The very point of it is to assure equal weaponry so that the people are not forced from their freedom by the power of the larger societal structures, whether that be the state, the military, or capitalism.

      The government owes the people respect, not the other way around. They put food on their table with our money, our work, whether we agree or not. The government’s money isn’t the government’s money, it’s the people’s money, distributed. If they’re going to take our money with or WITHOUT CONSENT and put it towards something else, especially something like murdering innocent people for what mostly seems to be a religious cause, we have to be allowed to complain. We have to be able to shut them down if they won’t change, as the people. The forefathers intended for our system to change, or we wouldn’t even be able to make amendments. The constitution was an intended change from the static religious monarchy of Britain, which required civil war because it was static (it refused to equitably change).

      The state, especially the federal government, technically only exists to regulate currency (and resulting industry) as the people need for maximum well-being. So the state needs to get their heads out of their ass and do it instead of trying to silence protestors during national crisis and every war or they’ll be, in a sense, fired. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Then again, if they were actually doing their fucking job, none of this shit would be happening. The constitution isn’t an unreasonable structure. The problem is that we have literally let capitalism completely overwrite it, which is quite literally the opposite of what the constitution intended. Once again, “WELL REGULATED”.

  • perestroika@slrpnk.net
    5 months ago

    I generally agree with CrimethInc articles so extensively that I I find it hard to pick at something in them.

    This time, however, I find the claim…

    Palestinian liberation will only come about as the result of a full-scale political crisis in the United States

    …but I don’t find the evidence.

    Firstly, Israel is not wholly dependent on US weapons, and according to most measures, it has already secured a military victory - at such cost in civilian lives that it’s a diplomatic defeat - everyone who can count the casualties and destruction knows that Israeli politicians gave zero fucks, alienated many supporters (they had great international support when Hamas attacked them) and very likely will receive an invitation to the ICC (hopefully along with Hamas leaders, so they can be tried together - reality may differ as both will try to avoid the court).

    Also, if the claim were true, and a full-scale political crisis in the US was required for Palestinian liberation, then sadly, assuming a full political crisis incapacitates the government to some degree - there would be considerable risk that Palestinian liberation and Ukrainian independece sit on opposite plates of the scale. Myself, I don’t like the concept that one group’s liberation and another group’s freedom can be contradictory. However, it seems undeniable that the US war machine is currently supplying weapons for two main causes, one of them reasonably ethical (defending Ukraine) and the other not (bombing Gaza into a previous epoch of history).

    Regarding what the US government actually does… I don’t read every article and post about diplomacy (so I could be missing a lot) but it appears to me that the US government is at the moment actively dissuading Israel from going into Rafah (the remaining comparatively less damaged settlement) - both by talk and refusal to send heavy air-dropped bombs.

    This could be due to international pressure (the US has Arab allies and has to present some facade to them), could be due to protests (Biden surely worries about approaching elections). It could even work - but might not, because Israel has other sources of weapons and might empty its stockpiles of some categories to make the final push. :( Still, as a long-time and reliable donor, the US government has much leverage on Israel. Especially as it recently helped mitigate the Iranian missile and drone attack, downing Iranian munitions above Jordan and Iraq and perhaps elsewhere before they reached Israel. Biden can - overly simplified - send a message of “we assisted and protected you, we have your best interest in mind, and it’s in your best interest to stop now”. Netanyahu might listen or ignore the message.

    In the end, however, a word of caution - whatever happens, whatever the US does - if Hamas returns to power, that will not be Palestinian liberation, because the Hamas guys weren’t liberating anyone. In fact, they were beating, imprisoning and killing some of their Palestinian political competitors for the old-fashioned goal of staying in power.

    I literally cannot find the word “Hamas” in the article at all. It speaks of everyone except those who started the curent war. That’s a massive oversight - oversight to the point of blinding oneself to a serious setback right around the corner. I’m not happy to see some of my comrades blinding themselves.

    If one seeks a path to liberation, it has to include some recipe of not letting Hamas recover and return to power. And somehow getting lunatics out of Israeli government. The US has a role to play, and it may even be a decisive role, but as long as one side has rulers who prefer shooting civilians, and the other side has rulers who prefer to obliterate urban centers with bombardment… local political leadership must change, and no liberation will come unless it changes.