o7 my nyx is standing by. Ju- hoooooooo!
Let me guess, AI generated?
Yep. No artistic skills here, fun shitposts like this one for me are only fueled by some sort of generative AI. In this instance I tried a few different models (initially I got a woman with a red shirt uniform and a bee logo, then a red shirt with yellow and black highlights, a different model gave me a buff, hairy bee in a red shirt uniform… on top of the enterprise, holding a small enterprise in a hand) but had to give up and use Flux even if it’s the most intensive to run. Hardly perfect, but it’s fun and easy to recognize :)
Based on other memes I’ve seen I am preeeeeeety sure you don’t need any artistic skills.
Beevix gonna die. Or should that be Tubee?
(Obviously both are false bc the “v” comes from Tuvoc, so it would be Beelix or Tuvbee)
Wolf Bee59 is imminent.