Please don’t amplify such lies.
If you must post about it, start with debunking the lie.
Isn’t that the point of the posted video?
That’s not my point.
The majority of people will only read the text and not click the link.
And the text repeats and therefore amplifies the lie.
Only the “gross” *at the end* of the line provides the necessary perspective but that’s too late.
Hence my “If you must post about it, *start* with debunking the lie.” (** added now for emphasis).
But the post is using the title from the video, which is standard practice. Personally I think the “gross” and “right-wing” make it pretty clear what the title is saying.
No, it doesn’t.
And if “standard practice” that amplifies the lies of fascists doesn’t trigger a serious rethink of what “standard practice” is, nothing will.
But those who refuses to adapt should never ever complain about growing fascism: They are helpers.
Yes, it does.
If the title was “Linking the Delta crash to DEI”, then it would be amplifying the lies. (And would be click-baity to boot.)
Maybe if the title was “Right-wing journalist links Delta crash to DEI” you might be able to argue that it was an amplifier, but the insertion of “right-wing” is clearly indicsting out that there is a bias involved that is being called out.
Adding “gross” cannot be more clear. If you are unable to comprehend that this is saying that linking the two is disgusting and unfactual, then you will never comprehend anything that is written to indicate that, whether it’s before or after the the statement.
You are now erroneously calling out two people (the youtuber and the OP here) who are clearly calling out the terrible behaviour of the person making the link, instead of praising them for standing up to that “media host”.
I can’t tell if you really don’t understand the importance of STARTING with the debunking BEFORE repeating the lie or if you’re playing dumb.
Go on and ignore scientific findings of the significance that repeating lies first will make them sink in even in those who know it’s a lie.
Go on and help fascism to thrive.
But don’t be surprised if those who share that info with you regard you as part of the problem.
Good luck—you’ll desperately need it—and good riddance.
Good idea, block people on your side just because you disagree with them on how the message is being sent.
You’re malfunctioning. You would have been a better advocate for your cause had you said nothing. Take it from me…
Some 6 months ago or so it came out that loads of these pundits were paid by Russia. They all denied it, even though there was evidence they did, and they never supplied any evidence to the contrary and they just went on with their Russian paid propaganda.
Hello Tim pool, go fuck yourself.
With people like this it is very fair to assume they’re bought and paid for by Russia
Yeah the whole Tenet media thing
These Influencers were receiving $400k USD per month from Russian channels.
Russian spies are perfect agents of disaster. Remember how the KGB secretly funded the first neo-nazi party in West Germany after WWII, to decredibize, and destabilize the western world? They’re still doing it.