I used to think simultaneous launch was good and desired. Then the first Monster Hunter simultaneous launch happened this year and now I’m not so sure. A lot of it’s problems were forecasted by the state of Dragon’s Dogma 2 but not to such an extent, I can’t help but wonder if a delay would have helped.
If you don’t already have a console it isn’t worth buying. If it ever gets ported to PC you should wait a year or two for all the inevitable bugs to get worked out and possibly an upscale mod as well.
If you can’t wait that long then I’ve a hell of a real estate deal for you where that money would be better spent.
GTA games always get ported to PC. I don’t understand why people think that VI will be any different. Y’all do this with every new release.
We’ll be playing this game on PC by Q4 2026, spring 2027 at the very latest.
GTAVI will not be just a console exclusive, probably it will become an Epic Store exclusive on PC. There could be tons of useless discussion about what companies shoud or should not do; but in the end, companies exist only to the extend of their customer’s money. T2 strategy paid off, becouse their customer bougt GTAV repetedtly when came on PS3 generation, then PS4, then PS4Pro, then Epic Store and etc. etc.They sold one single AAA multiple time with relatively low effort (definetly not the cost of this many AAA games): their growth was done on their customer’s stupidity, so they now employ the same exact stratgy that works on stupid people… and make money.
Let’s not ignore the quality of the game itself. CDPR talked big but the best they could muster was gtaIII levels of world dynamics and crowd behaviour. T2 gets away with it because like it or not, gtaV is one of the best games ever made, period!
Otoh, Straus Zelnick deserves to be the middle guy in a human centipede with Kotic at the ass tho.
This is another of the benefits of patient gaming, avoiding the delays caused by the double-dip fishing Rockstar does with their games. For me, the last three years’ release schedules have been so stacked that they don’t leave much room for temptation or frustration with delays. I’ve always got something to play.
I understand the frustration for the diehard GTA fans, but I would have figured those people moved to console if they weren’t already.
What is this, 2005? No one should be losing sleep over GTA6. Just more iterating over the same thing that surely was awesome more than 20 years ago, but today? They are such a victim of their own success, they can no longer afford to take the risks required to continue to innovate.
If you weren’t 100% certain that GTA6 would release as a console exclusive at launch initially, you’re an idiot. This is how Rockstar has launched every game since the Xbox 360. Furthermore, I can assure you the PC release will come about a year later, and will be the buggiest mess ever launched for the first month.
Well, my initial reaction was “What year is it?”. As far as I’m aware, this practice has largely fallen out of favor in the industry. And it’s been more than a decade since the last GTA release, so their stance might have changed in a similar vein, or at least their management would have likely changed.
See RDR2: No.
And NOTHING HAS CHANGED in twenty years - yeah? Not a fucking thing that should shift how they release games. Consoles are still sooo different from PCs, with their AMD x64 CPUs and AMD RDNA GPUs.
OK but Take Two is greedy as all hell. Their previous launches taught them that gamers are willing to double-dip so why would they pass up on the opportunity to earn twice?
RDR2 pc release was 13 months later and GTA5 pc release 17 months later. I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes at least 2 years with GTA6.
Probably not because GTA6 is planned to release on pc so they will do most of the work beforehand and the xbox is basically a glorified stripped down windows OS.
Consoles shape how games are played because of their controllers, and how we they are optimized; the aim is still 30-60 fps ffs…
We’d all be better off with PC only. Fuck consoles!
PC Master Race ✊
Yeah that was never “funny” but it’s way less funny now nazis are actually in power again.
It’s funny to me, I don’t need your opinion, thanks.
no one asked
Yes, precisely, that’s what I’m saying. Even thought I didn’t ask you either. And block.
Then why are you posting things in public? That’s the definition of wanting everyone’s opinion.
Ok, we want to go with logic? Because I’m telling them that from now on I don’t need their opinion, and that whatever they said is not welcome. Do you see how that works? So I’ll repeat, I don’t need your opinion either. And just to drive it home here’s a preemptive block. Get out of my face with your stupid gotchas and your half-thoughts. Like, I’m not even replying to you.
That’s OS based not device
Their controller, CPU and GPU are the bottleneck, not the OS.
If we aren’t OS limited then we aren’t gamepad limited because you can just use a kb/m
I mean games got slower because of controllers (think arenafps and boomer shooters).
But that’s an OS imposed limitation not a hardware imposed one
Honestly, I, personally, don’t think it is worth to purchase a console just for the game. Thus waiting is worth it.
Rumor goes that the game will be €100 on launch. So €550 for console and €100 for one game. That’s crazy.
Add to that a monthly subscription just to play online. Even crazier.
100 bucks for a game, lmao.
Surprised they didn’t skip the middle man and made it subscription only alreadyTbh it’s fair if the quality and the (useful) amount of €/h of entertainment fits.
If it’s 75% go drive here, go deliver there from a story going for 100h and maybe 25% of it is actually exciting contetn, I’ll pass and wait for the >50% off.
how are so many of you forgetting that Rockstar titles are always launched first as console exclusives? My guess is they’re just trying to raise as much money as possible. it will get a PC launch later
Yup, it’s always the same model, pretty sure with the precise (and likely not incorrect) assumption that at least some amount of people will buy it twice at full price if they do that.
Not me! I’ve never paid enough attention to rockstar to have realized they were stuck in the 2000s :(
Besides you don’t wanna buy it at release
Haven’t any of these people learned?
Given the state of gta 5, i wont buy it ever.
Just wait. It’ll be the same as the last one with a slightly different city.
The city shape will be the same, the signs will be different
Even if GTAVI launched on PC at a normal price, it would still be worth it to wait. You can get it on sale, and the game will have been fixed, and there will even be content updates.
Patient gamers, people. Don’t even think about release dates. Early access? Advanced access? What the hell do I care? There are still NES games I should get around to.
You’re probably better off playing through San Andreas again.
Patience, the price will drop and the game will be just as good
Is it not releasing to PC at full price in 1-3yr?
To the title question: Yes.
I won’t bother buying a console just for one game.That just means I’ll buy GOTY edition for $5 years later if I buy it at all lol
Yup. This is how I treat exclusives.
I’ll buy it when but drops to $19.99. probably Steam summer sale 2028.
I’ll buy it for $0 when the PS5 gets emulation in Linux, just like Bloodborne
Fitgirl repack should happen before then