I bet he thinks he came up with the idea of false-flag operations.
“No daddy, I don’t know why China was flying F-47s and not J-10s when they bombed you and your country.”
3 Year old article. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about right now.
I thought it was a bit weird for him to be suggesting bombing Russia now.
It’s a step up from dressing up as Mao to suck Putin off, so there is that.
Puts chinese flag on B-52 Bombs russia everyone stares at U.S.A. Trump: but it had a chinese flag how could you possibly tell
Trump, those flags just said “made in China.” It’s not the same thing.
What an ultramaroon
Omg, dude thinks he just now came up with the concept of a false-flag attack for the first time in history
All right, let me ask you this. Tell me if this is creative: when I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this is before I had even… heard of one or seen one. I just drew a picture of a horse that could fly over rainbows and had a huge spike in its head. I was five. Five years old! Couldn’t even talk yet!
- Michael Scott
- Albino Python
- Michael Scott
I was today years old when I realized false-flag was literally named after using a different than your own flag
I’m not very smart apparently, but also not my native tongue lol
It’s my native tongue and I never out 2 and 2 together.