cowsay -st Hey Linux Users Group!

Ever wondered what’s hidden beneath the sleek exterior of a computer? Do you want to give your machine a “Love Story” makeover but feel like a “Blank Space” when it comes to differentiating a CPU from RAM? Are you ready to shake off your confusion about the difference between a CPU and RAM, much like Taylor Swift shakes off her exes in her songs?

Whatever the answer is, it doesn’t matter because LUG is having an Upgrading Computer meeting! If you’re Fearless enough, a few attendees may have the opportunity to assist the speaker during the upgrade. The meeting is Wednesday, September 27 from 6:30PM - 7:30PM in Fitzpatrick 356A. Whether you’re a computer nerd or just someone who thinks RAM is a Zodiac sign, join us for a slice of knowledge and a slice of (free) pizza. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to the meeting on ND Central. Otherwise, You’re On Your Own, Kid.

Run the cowsay if you’re curious
