Here I have two Fourth-of-July tomatoes, named because they produce fruit very early in the season, and one forsythia. It’s supposed to be a small variety and I wanted a bigger one, so I am keeping it in the pot until I find another good place to plant it.

    • CherenkovBlue@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
      1 year ago

      Oh man I should post an update picture. Yes, they have some tomatoes on them, and they are huge plants now. However, it’s been super hot here and I was gone for 3 days and one plant got damaged (wilted some leaves that are now dead). But c’est la vie, let’s see how the yield is in the end!

      • promitheas@iusearchlinux.fyiM
        1 year ago

        All my plants except my spring onions have died. I couldnt water them for a day and because of our extreme heat here as well (40+ degrees) it was enough for them to go :(.

        Guess ill just have to wait for cooler weather and give it another go