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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


  • This is bad practice.

    More accurately it should look something like this:

    # Load sys library for exiting with status code
    import sys
    def sayHelloWorld(outPhrase: str="Hello World"):
        # Main function, print a phrase and return NoneType
        return None
    if __name__=="__main__":
        # Provide output and exit cleanly when run from shell
        # Exit with rc!=0 when not run from shell

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    21 days ago

    As a parent I don’t have the time for multiplayer gaming.

    Sometimes I feel like picking up an MMO. Nostalgia is calling for TBC Classic. But then I remember that I’m not going to have this combination of desire and time to play again for like a week, at least.

    And I’d spend all my available time tonight just installing it and getting it working.

    And then forget it’s installed.

    And then next time I can play, it needs to patch.

    That’s not way to play an MMO, especially one where I’d be paying $15/Mo for what amounts to a couple hours of playable time.

    So yeah…single player ftw.

  • I remember getting sent to the principals office for “hacking” (pinging the computer in the next room) in like 8th grade.

    Back in 4th/5th I actually was hacking, modifying our user menu to add Windows 3.1 and a password (copying config from a teacher’s profile). Also brute-forced at least two teachers passwords.

    I’m a network architect now, so there’s that.

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlthe debt
    29 days ago

    Most people who think they understand how credit scores work…don’t understand how credit scores work.

    The biggest things are loan-to-limit, payment history, and average age of accounts.

    Loan-to-limit is easily achieved by keeping balances below 50%, and ideally below 30%. It’s also helped tremendously by not carrying a revolving balance (paying the statement balance in full each month) and not closing idle cards.

    Payment history is of course helped by making payments on time.

    And AAoA is probably the easiest. Just don’t close cards. Call and “downgrade” a card if it isn’t worth the annual fee. If there’s no annual fee, there’s no reason to close a card.

    Just make sure you use it every now and then and pay it off. I sock-drawered one of my oldest cards a long time ago and it just closed last month from being idle, and that took a hit to my score (high limit gone and it’s no longer incrementing time in my AAoA).

    It’s also worth mentioning that credit scores don’t matter until you are looking for credit. Credit cards are probably the easiest way to build credit, as long as they are used properly. But they’ll give a basic card to any schmuck. Where it really matters is getting mortgages and larger loans like cars. That’s where having a good score matters. And also better cards that earn more points/miles/cashback and have other fringe benefits.

  • JasonDJ@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlthe debt
    29 days ago

    Articles and posts like this really just exist for conservatives to shout that we need to stop federal spending and cut out “unimportant” things like Dept of Education, as described in Project 2025.

    The problem is that debt is good. It enables us to pay for infrastructure projects and services. It doesn’t work like a household budget…not on the scale of international economies…because money “in the bank” is money that’s not in circulation.

    When money is not in circulation, it’s not being used to pay for goods and services…it’s just…sitting there being hoarded.

    You all complain about Musk hoarding a few hundred billions. Imagine if the debt were in the opposite direction and the government had $34T sitting in the bank doing nothing.

    And anyone can buy Treasury debt. In fact, last year it was an AMAZING return on investment for anyone that bought into it and holds into the debt for a few years. One of the safest places anybody could put money to earn a return (behind a HYSA at FDIC insured banks).