Good question, I dunno. I mean, it will be that time in just a two months so let’s stay tuned to this exciting show.
Who’s got money for tech adoption?
These bastards spent everyone’s pension on AI already hoping they could lay the rest off by Christmas.
“Go missing”
Wow what a phenomenon. Just poof disappeared! It’s like it was stolen by ghosts!
Totally did not see this coming. Like, fifteen years ago or whenever.
mmmm all the same I’d rather not have AI slurping up all my tax records to sell me a mortgage rate I’d have to take.
And as high! haha
Wait . . what?
Username checks out
This is pretty much my whole point.
If you’d said that, we’d have no argument. I agree! It’s the part about “because they’re all corrupt and they could change anything whenever they wanted” that I disagree with. It’s not just convenient it 's wrong.
Hindsight is 20/20 and it’s easy to sit back and complain. And it’s true, Democrats are bad at a lot of things - messaging, candidate selection, retiring. But they’re glorious superheroes from heaven compared to the abhorrent chaos monkeys people have let run the show.
And in part they voted to let them run the show because “both sides bad”. Which is true at only the highest, most generalized levels. It’s essentially classic propaganda. Those high-level generalized views very quickly get clouded by realities as soon as anyone starts to look into it.
No doubt your company has more invested in the domain name than a pointer to, as well.
Do we think has a QA group? Do we think there’s more than two people who review changes? Or that they even review changes at all?
The setup your company has and what this appears to be (it’s true, this is speculation) is probably vastly more than just “we both use git to manage production pushes”. I’d bet you company has spent a fair number of years getting to this point, and has not even secured a proper certificate while suggesting they’re competent to handle the entire financial information of the United States Government.
Well, it’s sloppy for a government website. This is not a private enterprise running out of someone’s garage. There’s many reasons why that should not be an acceptable paradigm for posting government information.
If you’re running a sandwich shop or a metal working shop, posting your phone number and address through CloudFlare Pages is probably fine.
So just like everywhere else in the world recently.
“Lawmakers” are alarmed, are they ABCnews?
FFS. Hey -don’t go out of your way to call anything like it is, okay? okay.
well, a chief justice of the SCROTUS drop
Wow. Not a fan, eh?
Love your downvotes. “Nuh uh!! They just didn’t want to!”
Make no bones about it: top Democrats have been complacent with a hostile takeover of the US government because it is benefiting them.
I mean, I’d make a few bones about it. The best time to be an excellent Progressive party is 50 years ago. The next best time is now, though.
Most websites run off of a server. They’re just using a “repeater” (CloudFlare Pages) to serve directly off of their Github or whatever which is sort of top-shelf slapdashery.
Not serious. Not competent.
(s). Idiots.