The single most common criticism of President Biden’s reelection campaign is that he made a ghastly error by branding his policies “Bidenomics.” Americans think the economy is terrible, and Democrats have been begging the president to stop branding himself as the architect of something that people hate.

I think this advice is wrong. Biden needs to change the public’s view on the economy if he’s going to win.

    10 months ago

    I disagree. Trying to gaslight me about how I’m actually better off now, I’m just too stupid to realize it or whatever is really not helping. We were just starting to feel middle class for the first time last year or so, and now that’s gone. I’m not asking for a lot, I don’t want a boat or a lifted F-250, I just want to be able to take the kids to do fun stuff (not Disney, fuck that) before they grow up without wondering how we’ll ever financially recover from it. Shit be whack right now, and I’d appreciate the messaging coming from the Biden campaign a lot more if they’d acknowledge that instead of pretending that Bidenomics has been a roaring success that ended poverty and moved everybody into the middle class. The only thing that messaging is doing is making me feel like I got left behind, which, as a Millennial, I’ve got to say that I wouldn’t be surprised, just disappointed.

    Look, I know that Biden didn’t cause the mess, but how am I supposed to believe that he can address the situation if he won’t even recognize it for what it is?