This op-ed was written by the Israeli Intelligence Minister:

ANOTHER OPTION is to promote the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in Gaza, for humanitarian reasons, outside of the Strip.

This is an opportunity for those who say they support the Palestinian people to show these are not just empty words.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the global UN body that deals with refugees, is mandated by its Statute and the UN General Assembly Resolutions to undertake resettlement as one of its three durable solutions.

Instead of funneling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed UNRWA, the international community can assist in the costs of resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries.

    10 months ago

    Holy crap, she’s just outright saying “let’s do ethnic cleansing”. They cause the “humanitarian reasons” and then try to get all the inconvenient people to just leave so they can have the land.