• Neato@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    Unfortunately the pro Trump propaganda is strong. If the opposition isn’t reminding people how horrible he is he’ll get free advertising again and win.

    If you don’t want to see it either block all political communities or get off social media.

    • Orbituary@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Trump is old, but he appears energetic. He’s boisterous and aggressive, both traits appeal to his base. They don’t care if he gaffs or gets countries wrong.

      Edit: based on people’s reactions, somehow you seem to think I’m endorsing him or like him. I do not.

      To be clear, I’m trying to honestly assess why he might have a chance at winning. Our republic is fucked if he wins.

      • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)@pawb.social
        10 months ago

        Not sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re not wrong. He absolutely does give off the impression that he’s young and energetic to his voterbase, purely because of what you said.

        Before anyone gets upset with me as well, consider how Trump’s cult, and America in general, views traits like boisterousness or aggressiveness. To them, those are young/middle-age traits, not dementia-addled senior citizen traits.

          • MagicShel@programming.dev
            10 months ago

            The bigger your audience, the more nuance is lost. People in large groups are bad at thinking because the group energy takes over. Which I think explains Trump’s success. Individual Republicans think he’s dumb as a box of rocks but get them all together in one place and they start chanting death to libs while he conducts the symphony. All nuance about specific facts or policies are thrown out the window and it reverts to pure tribalism. When everyone around you is shouting hatred, that isn’t the time to interrupt and point out that maybe the enemy isn’t that bad.

            I’m not dumb enough to think that doesn’t happen on the left as well to an extent, but currently at least it seems a much bigger problem on the right. I hope once Trump is out of the way, no one else is quite able to capture that spark again.

      • banneryear1868@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Yeah when people try and pretend like Trump can’t speak to a crowd or isn’t charismatic I feel like I’m being gaslighted, it’s like they really don’t want admit he can be good at it for some reason. Being dumb af or evil is a separate thing than charisma, and if anything they’re infamously associated traits. He’s totally phoning it in a lot of the times now sure, but he can still turn it on when needed.

        Trump and Biden are both historically disliked party leaders, so pretending people have unanimous respect for every aspect of one or the other is really strange to me. I remember in 2016 people trying to convince themselves Hillary was cool and could give some “fierce” comebacks to Trump if only given the chance, and I was just fuck stop doing this to yourselves this is sad. If Hillary wins it will not be because she’s a good speaker… I still lose it at her robot voice being like, “I first came to awareness of you, through the Cardi B WAP!”