Over the weekend, at least 82 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes on Jabaliya refugee camp, including multiple United Nations schools sheltering Palestinians. At least 85 incidents of Israeli bombing have impacted 67 facilities run by the United Nations relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) in the last two months. We speak with Tamara Alrifai, spokesperson for UNRWA, about the organization sheltering close to a million Palestinians from Israel’s assault, which has killed 104 of her colleagues since the beginning of the war — the highest number of United Nations aid workers killed in a conflict in the history of the United Nations. Alrifai says her agency is only getting half of the fuel they need to serve people in Gaza, being forced to choose between clean water, food and transport. “If UNRWA ceases to exist tomorrow, then there is a huge layer of stabilizing and stability that UNRWA usually offers in a very, very volatile area that also collapses.”

  • xerazal@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago

    Lol love hearing jackasses say “you don’t understand the real world” when it’s actually them that doesn’t understand the real world and as an excuse to justify a genocide.

    When the US took out Osama, it didn’t do it with bombs. It was with special forces. Same is needed here.

    • OBIWAN_SALAMI@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      most of you don’t. the real world isn’t rainbows and unicorn color farts.
      calls me a jackass and then proceeds to somehow confuse 1 man with an organisation. nice job. if this is the best you can come up with then you are NOT doing yourself any favors.
      you show me 1 special ops org in the world that can eliminate hamas by itself. there isn’t one. anywhere. that requires these things called “armies”. which have well equipped soldiers with support units, lines of communication and resupply, things you bleeding heart armchair wannabe generals don’t know about.

      and btw, look up the definition of genocide, how the term has been used historically, and then understand why it doesn’t apply here. because there is a difference in scale, motivation, and outcome. and i’ll ask this of all those who spout this shit…if its a genocide then why aren’t israeli’s invading west bank? and no, a few raids and strikes doesn’t count.

      which all says its a campaign against hamas. which has little power in west bank.

      try again.