• IdleSheep@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      10 months ago

      You make it sound like you have any. From how the other thread you posted in looks, you basically just parrot the same thing over and over when everyone else gives you very reasonable arguments and explanations on why voting 3rd party in the current system is completely pointless and reform needs to happen first before that’s feasible.

      • Discoslugs@lemmy.worldOP
        10 months ago

        Ahhhh yes all the reasonable people who have been voting dems for 20 years waiting for

        • Checks notes *


        Yeah let me know when that happens.

        • IdleSheep@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          10 months ago

          No one is saying to vote dem and just sit on the couch waiting for a miracle.

          Vote for democrats but organize, pressure legislators, local politicians, etc

          Unionize so your voice becomes louder and you gain bargaining power.

          Hold the the democratic party accountable for its BS. Try to steer it more left instead of right.

          Educate those around you about the importance of a fairer voting system and the need to fight fascism and get them involved too.

          Participate in all elections you can to make sure you give power to those who can actually help you.

          There’s so much you can and should be doing beyond voting.

          And the democratic party has in fact moved left, even if it doesn’t always seem like it. These things take years and decades, especially for a country like the US where all the stops are in place to make sure change never happens. So yes, reform is possible. It’s slow, painful, and sometimes it feels like you’re accomplishing nothing, but things are changing. They won’t be changing for the better if Republicans ever win though.

          So telling people to vote 3rd party, at this point in time, when the US is constantly being bombarded with fascist propaganda, when the education sector is eroding by the day and people are completely politically disenfranchised because of it, is literally just splitting the vote without sending any message or moving the country forward and giving Republicans a win.

          If you want 3rd parties to win, instead of praying millions of people magically switch sides, start by getting people actually interested in even caring about politics, because otherwise it’s never going to happen.

    • cmbabul@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yeah the system itself is deeply fucking broken and we all know this, that doesn’t change the fact that shitty but not-fascism is 100% always better than fascism and the best way to defeat fascism is by supporting its strongest competitor currently even though we don’t like them either. Because the the better alternative to fascism is also still a part of the current system that we all know is broken. And while I personally loath the DNC and so many things about our current system of government and how the country behaves, they are still so much better than the losing alternative.

      Third party candidates for president are currently unserious because of a litany of reason that have already been pointed out to you and then ignored by you. Money, existing party infrastructure, experienced campaign consultants, brand names, and just the way the majority Americans live their lives politically.

      Fucking libertarians and greens can’t get elected for governor in 95% of states, how they hell do they expect to out fundraise and out campaign the two big dogs on a national level to compete in our fucking ridiculously long election cycle which not only serves to prevent alternatives but also to fund the capitalists at the top of media empires as they serve out disinformation to keep the ignorant angry and the informed in fear.

      Voting 3rd party in the US for president is in fact throwing your vote away, but this time it comes with the added bonus of potentially being that last legitimate election you get to participate in. Because that’s what Trumps and his fascist friends plans are, it’s been all over this website and the rest of the internet, Project 2025.

      If you don’t like the system as it is because it’s inherently unfair and in an advanced state of decay, are in good company, now you have to decide whether you want to try and fix it the peaceful way, which unfortunately involves voting for biden and getting really involved in working for the third party you prefer to build it up and maybe next cycle take one of the top spots because a Trump loss will put the GOP in a position to where that’s a realistic idea. Or the violent way and start a revolution, which I might be in complete favor of if we could ensure the outcome, but we can’t do that because that’s just not how revolutions work