People bitch and moan about straws. But this thought occurred to me recently, why don’t they offer reusable ones instead and just wash it with other tableware?
People bitch and moan about straws. But this thought occurred to me recently, why don’t they offer reusable ones instead and just wash it with other tableware?
If you have any straight straws, you might want to hold them up to the light. They get pretty grody on the inside.
How long do you wait to clean them? A restaurant is going to be cleaning them frequently and their washers are higher pressure than a home model.
seems fine. I only really use it for soda and water so that might be one reason it works for me. Honestly im not sure what other folks are drinking with their straws at home.
I know someone with a fat one they use for smoothies and shakes.
I would suggest not doing this and instead throwing them away. No need to give them nightmares, I haven’t used non-plastic straws in years due to the horror I’ve seen