Crossposted using Lemmit.

Original post from /r/opsec by /u/AlterMyVoice on 2023-06-27 23:36:10+00:00.

I might give a live talk (approx. 30 minutes, non-digital) to an audience of several hundred people that is recorded and posted online. This talk will feature my full name. To subvert them, I have participated in dangerous communities that coordinate through voice chats. Now I am facing the risk of my voice being recognized by coincidence. (The talk is not related to my subversion activities.)

Is there a possibility to physically alter my voice during the talk in a way that it would not be recognized by people I have regularly talked to? Alternatively, would it somehow be possible to jam the recording such that it looks like a technical error? (I will be on a stage with a microphone.)

It is clear that my most secure option would be to not give the talk. But I am wondering whether there is another realistic option.

I have read the rules.