The Northern Virginia doctor knows at least that much about his situation. He knows he is no longer considered a citizen of the United States — the place where he was born, went to school and has practiced medicine for more than 30 years — and that he also belongs to no other place.

A letter from a State Department official informed him that he should not have been granted citizenship at the time of his birth because his father was a diplomat with the Embassy of Iran. The letter directed Sobhani to a website where he could apply for lawful permanent residence.

    10 months ago

    How long has the administration known about this case? It sounds like the guy is just finding out himself.

    Is there even a legal process for the administration to un-revoke his citizenship? Maybe the only legal means to reverse this is for him to sue and the courts to overturn it?

      10 months ago

      How long has the administration known about this case? It sounds like the guy is just finding out himself.

      His specific case is newly discovered, but it was caused by a disgusting 2018 Trump administration policy, so they’ve effectively been able to know that such a thing was bound to happen since long before they even took office and had the power to at least TRY to do something about it since they took office

      Is there even a legal process for the administration to un-revoke his citizenship?

      Yes, but it’s usually going to involve either the horribly broken appeals court system or the even worse immigration court system. Maybe even both, in which case he’ll have been dead from old age for a decade by the time its through.

      OR the state department could rescind the policy change retroactively, annulling the retroactive annulment of his citizenship retroactively.

      Try saying that last part quickly 5 times 😄