
I would like to have a unique CSS stylesheet for for users that prefer light themes. I started working on one but I did not like where it was heading (, so I figured it would be better to out-source this task to more experienced members of the community. New themes in Lemmy are added by using a .css file that contains the variable definitions. A list of themes included in the official Lemmy can be found here:

You can look through the different themes by going to your profile page and selecting the theme, and then you can pull the CSS file using the browser inspector to use a reference.


A .css file that contains the variable definitions for the stylesheet for the nano-light theme. The theme should feature a light color (white, cream, ivory, or similar) and one or a few of these blues [#209ce9, #3c4e7a, #5368a0]. The theme should work with the pages visible to regular users (main screen, profile, settings page, communities page, log-in screen). Other than this, you can get creative.

Conditions for payment

Payment will be delivered once the theme (or a derivative of it) is added as a theme to

Payment options

  • Ӿ50 (XNO) delivered to a nano address.

If you start working on this, please make a comment to indicate that you are working on it. This is to avoid having multiple people working on the same task without being aware of the level of competition.

  • Max@nano.gardenOPM
    1 year ago

    Ahh, sorry I had missed this comment! But, if you do get this done send it to me for payment!