Admittedly my finance knowledge is not the best. But on your last paragraph, it seems you’re implying that PRS is not really all that great and it almost does not matter what I pick? I’m interested to know if you’ve thrown any funds in one now. But thanks to your comment, maybe I’d just go with the Versa stuff due to convenience.
Yep, the currently available PRS funds are in general not great investments for the price you pay (in TER), by virtue of them being mostly Malaysia-centric stock pickings. They are basically Malaysia-themed mutual funds. I’ve not studied every PRS fund, but most of them do not beat their declared benchmark (most benchmark to FTSE-Bursa Emas Index), or they put a very low bar for themselves (an index comprising a combination of 12-month FD board rate and KLSE) despite being an equities fund.
I’ve been max-ing out my PRS allocation for the past 3 years. The moment the tax relief for this ends in 2025, I will not be putting a single sen in it anymore.
On Versa PRS, I’m more concerned about the longevity of the platform. At the end of the day Versa is owned by Affin Hwang Asset Management (AHAM), so if Versa does not survive the robo-advisor war and is forced to close down, you most likely only need to relearn where to access it (most likely through AHAM’s present own fund investing portal).
The typical place ppl do their PRS shenanigans is on FundSuperMart (FSM).
You’re chasing for Versa’s 12% p.a. promotion on Versa Save? It’s basically RM100 for your troubles (12% for December on RM10,000). RM100 is 3.33% of the RM3000 PRS allocation, or 2 years’ worth of management fee. Better than nothing lah I guess.
Admittedly my finance knowledge is not the best. But on your last paragraph, it seems you’re implying that PRS is not really all that great and it almost does not matter what I pick? I’m interested to know if you’ve thrown any funds in one now. But thanks to your comment, maybe I’d just go with the Versa stuff due to convenience.
Yep, the currently available PRS funds are in general not great investments for the price you pay (in TER), by virtue of them being mostly Malaysia-centric stock pickings. They are basically Malaysia-themed mutual funds. I’ve not studied every PRS fund, but most of them do not beat their declared benchmark (most benchmark to FTSE-Bursa Emas Index), or they put a very low bar for themselves (an index comprising a combination of 12-month FD board rate and KLSE) despite being an equities fund.
I’ve been max-ing out my PRS allocation for the past 3 years. The moment the tax relief for this ends in 2025, I will not be putting a single sen in it anymore.
On Versa PRS, I’m more concerned about the longevity of the platform. At the end of the day Versa is owned by Affin Hwang Asset Management (AHAM), so if Versa does not survive the robo-advisor war and is forced to close down, you most likely only need to relearn where to access it (most likely through AHAM’s present own fund investing portal).
The typical place ppl do their PRS shenanigans is on FundSuperMart (FSM).
You’re chasing for Versa’s 12% p.a. promotion on Versa Save? It’s basically RM100 for your troubles (12% for December on RM10,000). RM100 is 3.33% of the RM3000 PRS allocation, or 2 years’ worth of management fee. Better than nothing lah I guess.