Beef. Starts out as a feud between two drivers. Delves into each of their lives and how dealing with your issues in an unhealthy way will spiral and affect others. Fantastic show.
It blows my mind we treat road rage point blank as “less serious” than impaired driving. It should be equally or more strenuously punished, nobody has the right to be an asshole behind the wheel. Not one. Anger and violence are so predictable and addressable its madness.
Not that you were talking about driving but I’m just making the tangent with a major commonplace example of the way this plays out every time.
Beef. Starts out as a feud between two drivers. Delves into each of their lives and how dealing with your issues in an unhealthy way will spiral and affect others. Fantastic show.
It blows my mind we treat road rage point blank as “less serious” than impaired driving. It should be equally or more strenuously punished, nobody has the right to be an asshole behind the wheel. Not one. Anger and violence are so predictable and addressable its madness.
Not that you were talking about driving but I’m just making the tangent with a major commonplace example of the way this plays out every time.
Whoa buddy, you good to drive? XD
Nope 😎 Won’t happen again, Officer.
[Officer] Ya damn right it won’t cuz ur coming with me now! 🚔