I would like a program or website to connect to a computer and be able to edit a file there.

Say I have a server. Call it Say I have a file. Call it /data/editme.txt

I want either a simple link I can bookmark to edit this file, or to a note app (such as Joplin or Obsidian) and also be able to edit this file.

I tried using Syncthing, however I would rather not have to sync the file from one location to another. This file has no need to be stored in multiple locations.

Anything that’ll solve this for me?

  • TCB13@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I would suggest something quick and simple such as FileBrowser. Another more “expensive” alternative would be to setup an SSH server on the server and use WinSCP to access the thing and edit the file that way.

    If you go the FileBrowser route I just would like to recommend you to be careful about opening your “server” to the internet. Setting up a VPN like I described here is recommended.

    If you can’t have run a VPN client on the target computer (work computer etc) and/or it isn’t practical (public machine) at least make sure you run FileBrowser behind a Nginx reverse proxy, use SSL, pick non-standard port and restrict the access to the thing as much as possible with a list of specific allowed IPs or, at least, only for your country. Using some 2FA solution and fail2ban for an extra layer of security is also recommended.