I noticed that there were some accounts that were hijacked by the instance owners. All the posts from that user were then edited to say what happened.

This kind of surprised me, I figured instances could delete posts, but not edit them. So how much control do they have?

I assume they can’t see my password (hopefully). Can they post in my name? Do they have all the access to my posts to foreign instances that they do over local posts?

Edit: thanks for all the responses everyone! I’ve wanted my own instance for a while, but maybe I’ll get on it now

  • Just to be clear, you’re talking about Lemmy. There are authentication mechanisms in which the instance never has access to your password, in any form.

    I wish I could upvote your comment multiple times for the XKCD comic on this. And to anyone curious, there are many tools which will generate XKCD passwords for you. One’s called “correcthorse”, and there’s another called “correctpony”. A github search for “xkcd password” should turn up several.