It seems that everything turned into scams, aggressive self marketing and just click bait irrelevant content. I liked finance videos, but every creator sounds like “the world will end soon” or “my secret method to make 1 million per week day trading stocks/forex/crypto.”

Content aimed at culture (movies/series) also behave the same way, throwing a bit of politics into the mix. Always the same incendiary click bait title spewing a bunch of nonsense that has nothing the story, setting characters or other topics relevant to the piece.

Is there anything that can be saved on that platform? It has gotten so bad that I’m start to think that Tiktok and Twitter both have better content than YouTube. At least in those platforms you can find a random dude writing an essay in a series of 20 tweets on why an increase of mantis is related to the global surge of ballpoint pen prices.

    1 year ago

    I don’t go out of my way to throw shade at LTT, but I unsubscribed a few months ago, and there are multiple reasons.

    There were a few topics over the last few months that just were either poorly researched or I assume misrepresented purposely to appease the YouTube overlords. These topics were on Android TV boxes and also blocking advertisements. I mean, I get it, don’t bite the hand that feeds you, but I really hate they have such a large audience and then misrepresented things. Just don’t cover it. Their coverage of anything Linux when it involves Linus himself is also, absolutely atrocious. That entire Linux gaming PC challenge was so badly done. I think Jake and Emily were the only two people who I respected on the channel when it came to a tech opinion. Then there is the, “don’t discuss pay,” policy.

    I realized that I never learn anything from it, and if anything I disagree with it quite often. And it also lost the entertainment value for me, when is the last time they have done something fun like one of those build-offs? Seemed like most of the videos before I unsubscribed was just Linus adding stuff to his house. Anyway, I haven’t missed it since unsubscribing.

        1 year ago

        They made it sound like all generic Android TV boxes were infected with malware, and also made it sound like it was nearly impossible to change firmware on them. Their “investigation” was as in-depth as, Corejava folder, malware, ALL ANDROID BOXES PROBABLY HAVE MALWARE, STAY AWAY!!! Which is just a complete load of shit.

        They could have done more research and listed models that did not contain malware, or list which boxes had alternative firmware to flash that make them better. Or that if you have one of these boxes that contains malware then there are ways to remove the malware from them. Because these generic Android boxes do have pretty decent value, and many can be flashed with decent firmware. But instead the message that they wanted to impress on their large audience was to avoid all these generic Android boxes regardless of any merit to their claims, oh, and buy a Google Chromecast! Yeah… great recommendation… don’t buy these generic devices that spy on you, buy the one from the company that pays our bills!