Yehhh. I don’t mind Creator in the context of YouTube, because the existence of the site implies it’s gonna be videos.
I DO like to get more specific when the creator makes stuff I feel is worthy of more respect than “INNONET VIJIA”, like HBomberGuy creates Video Essays (and raises a third of a mil for a trans charity, that unbelievably based bastard) or Frederick Knudsen (sp?) who creates in-depth documentaries.
Creator of what?
I haaaate the word connnnteeeeent
Same here. Both “content” and “creator”. It’s so vague it means nothing at all.
Yehhh. I don’t mind Creator in the context of YouTube, because the existence of the site implies it’s gonna be videos.
I DO like to get more specific when the creator makes stuff I feel is worthy of more respect than “INNONET VIJIA”, like HBomberGuy creates Video Essays (and raises a third of a mil for a trans charity, that unbelievably based bastard) or Frederick Knudsen (sp?) who creates in-depth documentaries.
He is a creator that creates creations. Duh.
Of the tubes man.