Anyone with half a brain will run away from Bitcoin and ANY other crypto with which an ETF is created. This ETF creation brings forth the certainty of Big Banker manipulation, something crypto currencies were intended to prevent. This type of manipulation is not a novel concept, it’s already done with the price of Oil, Silver, Gold and a wide array of other commodities thru their use of derivatives, primarly enabled by the creation of ETF’s traded on stock markets globally. In short, the derivatives are the tool the bankers use to gain an unfair advantage over the individuals. They routinely sell SLV shares, but do not have the corresponding Silver to back up that trade, something you and I can not do. This also means when markets fail, the banks will own the silver and the investor will lose everything. Self-custody is the key.

I prefer privacy crypto myself, with Monero at the head of the pack for now.

In case someone out there hasn’t noticed yet, the people of the world are under assault by the central bankers all over the planet. Anything we do to invite or welcome their participation will most certainly be to our detriment. Resist Central Authority of all types, decentralize everywhere possible and resist all attempts to centralize power and control anywhere you recognize it.

Honest, fungible, PRIVATE digital cash is one important front we can fight this war against us. Opt out of their systems, get out of their debt-based fiat currencies and encourage a circular economy based on something like Monero or it’s successor. In essence, do your best to build an ecosystem where we can all “de-bank” ourselves on OUR terms and not have some Great Reset and CBDC’s do it on THEIR terms, which I guarantee you will be far less favorable to individuals. This one step alone, if gone widespread, will do more to promote freedom than 100 violent revolutions. The illusion they create is that you can’t live without them. Once you prove you can, their leverage over us ends, thus their power withers and dies.

If you’re on this forum, you probably already agree with this and don’t need converting, but if you’re trying, as I am, to proliferate Monero adoption, I’d encourage you to copy/paste any or all of this letter and forward it if you like the message herein.

    8 months ago

    This is a good idea. It’s a bit like playing futures markets or locking in pricing. Buy XMR when it’s down relative to fiat in advance so you can hold prices steady on goods or services you sell in it over time.

    There is risk similar to currency risk, etc, but if you believe in the long term value appreciation of XMR and its use case, then it should be an acceptable risk to hold the extra in reserve.

      8 months ago

      Exactly. Personally, I believe in the long term of Monero. And so would be perfectly okay with taking a small loss to keep a price stable.