Baldur’s Gate 3 is a “mega hit” that Hasbro expects to pay dividends for years

    8 months ago

    Its on my list, and I’ve played Solasta (loved it, but they level higher than BG3 does).

    However, I think Pathfinder games do better Legendary adventures. The characters attain godlike strength in the end whereas D&D 5ed is not very good at that so far in the Video game space.

    What ever happened to games like NeverWinter Nights where you could literally do a raid on the hells themselves or Neverwinter Nights 2 where you can make an attack on the God of the Dead’s Domain.

    Developers complain about how hard it its to do spells and powers past a certain level and yet their predecessors still found a way to do it even if they had to make certain limitations on them.

    Still, I am glad to see BG3 a thing even if the characters are weak compared to the original ones from BG2.