• LemmyIsFantastic@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Lmaoooooo binder has been trying to work out a deal for months. Delusional stuff. I hope you enjoy Trump.

    Jesus Christ progressives know how to lose a fight 🤦‍♂️

      • Spiralvortexisalie@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I love these threads because I get to feel like a downvote farmer for saying something as crazy as a candidate should earn a vote. That the powers that be seem so committed to their unpopular candidates is surely going to make them lose. I have met many Trump supporters, even many that voted Biden in 2020, but the Biden support seems to amount to “well he’s not Trump”. I had at least met Hilary supporters in 2016, and Biden had the whole “not Trump” wave in 2020 where he barely won with record turnout. Biden does not even announce his stops anymore because he fears protests, does this sound like someone who earnestly believes he is the only one who can beat Trump? If he cared he would step down from running, if these people who don’t want Trump cared they would join the chorus instead of telling us to be quiet. Hell even not running would give Dems a clean slate because their new candidate would have clean hands compared to Biden or Trump.

        • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          It’s like liberals don’t understand how Unions work If you told them to unionize they would say “no that’s scare we could get fired”.

          The witholdal of votes for Biden is basically a mass union protest. When enough people join Biden will have no choice but to cave in to his voters demands.

          • Rapture@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            From what ive seen they still wont vote anyway, because he didnt meet their demands soon enough, and insist everyone vote for a third party candidate that i havent heard even mentioned until they brought them up

            • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              The longer this goes on the more likely it is that Biden will not be able to win back their vote. They told Biden to call for a ceasefire three months ago. There will be consequences of course.

              Biden might still be able to win them back if he stops the Genocide right now, and especially if he recognizes a Palestinian state or actually pushes for a solution to the problem.

              Another turning point that is now being reached now is that Biden is no longer been seen as the lesser evil as he will murder all of Palestine in the West Bank when he gets elected too. So instead of third party Biden is starting to convince them to vote for Trump out of spite.

              Once again, the faster his Genocide stops the better. Not just for weird people like me with “morals” that care for all the little children being massacred by israel, but also for everyone that actually wants Biden to win.

              Biden has been warned for a months now and he still refuses to stop, surely he’s prepared for the consequences.

              • Rapture@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Its specifically because of my “morals” that im disgusted by people who recognizing trump would be no better for palestine but decide theyll “vote for Trump out of spite” so we have a genocide in gaza, and ukraine AND america because biden is calling for a ceasefire now instead of earlier.

                Im sorry ive had close friends deeply affected and even die due specifically to trumps actions and believe there is more than a single issue at hand, and im sorry that i think steps in the right direction (even if they arnt as significant as i would like, eg climate action, social issues, the ceasefire) should be met with at least some form of positivity rather than an increase in hatred an insults, but i guess i just dont have any “morals” huh?

                • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
                  7 months ago

                  Do you know how Unions work?

                  If a single person doesn’t show up to work they get fired.

                  If the entire company doesn’t show up to work, they get more salary.

                  We’re going to find out whether Biden wants to stop Genocide or fire Democracy.

                  • Rapture@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    To use youre analogy, its like the the union workers got a pay increase, but it wasnt as much as they wanted, including me, but ive seen some people make some pretty wild demands that would out the company out of business for other reasons and a bunch just say they are going to strike no matter what because they didnt give them a raise sooner and are mad, with very little feedback of what specifically everyone wants

                    If the company goes under the only other place to work is amazon, who have been doing a lot of hostile takeovers lately and have announced they will solve their financial issues by cutting worker pay, and safety standards. I already lost a leg last time i worked there and watched a bunch of coworkers get evicted due to not being able to afford rent, so thats not an option i can accept, ill kill myself if im forced to work there again, and id love to go work at one of the competing small businesses people say they are gonna start (vote 3rd party) but i have yet to see a business plan that lets them compete

                    I could go on, but this analogy was already strained to begin with. My point is the ceasefire is the best thing ive seen biden do for gaza so far, and all of the comments in those threads are the most hate ive seen him recieve so far, a bunch of it not even related to gaza. We are about half a year out, and i have yet to see anything close to a viable alternative so i believe biden will lose, trump will win. Its like watching a countdown to my own suicide