How was it? What can you recommend? Or not?

    1 year ago

    5 players this week, so we brought out Hansa Teutonica. Don’t think I have anything to say about this game that hasn’t been said before: it’s visually drab, but mechanically great. One of our players hoarded routes to gain extra actions per turn, so we were expecting a runaway lead from him, but he was second by a clear margin (and I was only a smidge behind him)!

    Board-game agacent, I’m putting together a gang for a local Necromunda campaign starting next week. I’ve played a couple of games with a friend, so I’m looking forwards to getting more skirmishes in!

    Last week saw delivery of my Mothership TTRPG pdfs, which coincided quite nicely with the physical fulfillment of Hull Breach, an anthology for Mothership. Both are wonderfully presented and give just enough information for the GM to run wild with the toys in the sandbox.