• bouh@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Another thing : my view is not doomerism. I merely stop to fight for the liberals. Chaos bring opportunities. Liberals are doing everything to keep a status that’s rottening. They are actively supporting fascism to keep the status quo. I’m not sure if they’re blinding themselves into believing that they can keep the fascism away, or if they are actively pushing for it willingly. But it’s happening.

    I’m not saying that all is lost and there’s no hope. I’m saying that helping the liberals today is only helping the fascists tomorrow. Things will get worse. That’s not doomerism, that’s a hard fact. Something must be done now.

    • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Sorry, but there aren’t opportunities in chaos. That’s some cringe edgelord larping. There are no opportunities gained in chaos, only death and suffering.

      Honestly, your goofy accelerationism seems more like the cope of someone that’s given up what they see as “the first game.” You think you can come back in the second game and win a best of 3. Again, I’m sorry to disappoint, but there probably won’t be a 2nd game for you unless you’re incredibly lucky.

      I’m not betting on a second chance. There’s no benefit to not trying my hardest on game 1 if won’t do much to improve my chances of making it to game 2. If your strategy is to hide, you’re a privileged coward. Most people won’t have that chance, and betting that you aren’t most people is wistful thinking.

      • bouh@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        And what are you doing in this game 1 exactly to succeed? Voting for the lesser evil? Unless something is in the bag for the next term to radically change how it’s going, it’ll only get worse. I don’t see how a liberal will radically change anything.

        This battle is lost already. It was lost when Biden was made the candidate. Now it’s time to prepare for the next battle. Because fighting this one will only make you weaker for the next one.

        • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Fortunately, voting isn’t that much of a burden relatively speaking. It can also be a springboard for popularizing leftist ideas and attitudes. There aren’t significant downsides except leftist pride(which is less than worthless). I’ll vote for that lesser evil AND prepare for a potential disaster because they aren’t mutually exclusive you arrogant block of lead.