I always feel awkward when asked my favorite color, song, or any other type of trivial question. I have my standard responses I remain consistent with over time, but they are only consistent lies. Are those types of questions fundamentally awkward to you too?

I like things that look nice. I may lean toward one color or another at times, but I would never seek out the color before or to the exclusion of something that looks nice. It feels like color prejudice or something to say I have a favorite. I’m open minded to all colors in any situation more like an artistic mind I guess. That is the kind of thought process I go through when I’m asked to pick my favorite (x). I want to respond with the equally vague questions of when and what circumstances.

Some may call it over thinking, but what use is there in saying you have a favorite when in reality it is more complicated. Like, is that favorite song playing at a wedding, a house party, and a funeral. Or, are all your clothes your favorite color.

What do you think a person’s response to such questions says about them, their depth, curiosity, and open mindedness?

  • MelonYellow@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    I hate those questions and I do the same as you. Keeping lists. But for me, that’s probably a coping skill for ADHD. Anyway I don’t really have a single favorite anything. I have multiple favorites. More like flavors of the month lol. I dislike those questions because it makes me have to pick, as if it’s some consistent thing (it’s not) that I now get stuck with as some sort of assumption about my being.