Today, while out running errands on my hybrid, I saw an e-motorbike (this style) using the bike lane (dude also had a motorcycle helmet on).

Personally, I think these people should stay on the road like other motorbikes, as it’s clear that these are supposed to be an electric analog to ICE powered bikes.

I called this person out as well, due to my position being they actually are more of a hazard to other cyclists and pedestrians when the lanes switch to MUP’s without warning. Especially where they would be heavier than even e-bikes and would cause anyone they hit more damage than they would receive.

    7 months ago

    Honestly I just mind my own friggin business. If someone’s in a lane somewhere, and they aren’t bothering anyone else and being polite or putting people at risk, then IMO who cares? I saw someone on one of those Surron bikes, on an isolated bike path that barely anyone rides, clipping along and my first thought wasn’t to clutch my pearls. It was, I wonder if I could get away with buying one of those lol.

    In my city I see people riding those one wheeled scooters regularly, and those things can book too. But I can count the amount of incidents I’ve had with high speed vehicles like escooters and electric unicycles on the bike path with one hand, because it’s at zero. On the other hand, I can’t count the amount of incidents I’ve had with people walking causing issues or with other cyclists, because I probably can’t count that high.

    If someones being a Muppet, they’ll get theirs. If they aren’t, then just leave them alone.