TLDR: China is the only significant force in renewables adoption in the world, because the country uses central planning to advance its environmental objectives. The West’s reliance on the profit motive to drive green energy is not working and will not work because renewables are not profitable enough.

This article is the most positive I have ever seen any mainstream news be towards China and central planning. I don’t think there is a single “but at what cost” statement in the entire article. Frankly, I’m impressed this managed to get past the TIME editors.

The author, Brett Christophers, wrote The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save the Planet and Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World, and Rentier Capitalism: Who Owns the Economy, and Who Pays for It?, among others, published via Verso Books.

    6 months ago

    “Communism no iphone” is such a stupid meme. If you can’t make iphones without exploitation, imperialism and environmental destruction, then maybe there shouldn’t be any iphones! But no, spoiled, entitled brats need to have their treats and their toys no matter how many people have to suffer for them. (Also, Chinese socialism is currently managing perfectly fine to make smartphones, but that’s beside the point…)