🍞 National Melba Toast Day🍞

🐕 National Puppy Day🐕

Disclaimer: Not together. That’s just wrong.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      To market to market to buy a fat pig. A nice fat pig please, and a selection of weird and exotic fruits and vegetables. Some of the nice King Island butter too. Smoked eels if they have any. If there’s a secondhand book on watchmaking, then please get that. Here’s some money 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲. Keep the change, or give it to a homeless person or busker.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      4 months ago

      Thick slice of fresh bread, toasted on both sides. Then split in half across the whole slice with a sharp or serrated knife and the insides that were soft are then toasted. Basically half slice thickness toasted VERY crispy but not too brown. Delicious with melted butter or dip. My personal favorite after bible leaf toast.

        • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
          4 months ago

          Basically an unsliced loaf with very thin slices cut into it except at the base, so the slices are left joined together at the bottom. Then the loaf gets brushed with butter and the whole thing baked in the oven till golden and crispy. The slices curl and open up like the pages of a book. You rip off a slice at a time and nibble or dip them. It’s amazing how many slices one can eat - it looks so much when it first comes out of the oven, but half an hour later there’s only the base left. And burned fingers. I prefer this to potato chips actually.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    4 months ago
    Gross cat ear stuff

    Well that sucked. I didn’t do the first ear wash well enough the first time (she hated it, so I didn’t wipe or repeat) so this morning there was no skimping. I found and watched the company’s Youtube video, warmed the bottle of ear cleaner first by sitting the bottle in water, then kept massaging glugs in and wiping it out with cotton wool. Safety glasses were a good call. I may wear a mask next time to keep the splashes off my mouth. Kitty was doing the dog shake.

    The black dirt wasn’t severe but it just kept coming out. You’re meant to do it until no more comes out but it took a very long time and I had to wrap Melbcat in a towel for the first time ever (not spicy just overwhelmed and trying to leave) so I did the best I could. Washed my face, changed my clothes. She’s hiding in the other room pretty traumatized. Next time I might give more time for her pain meds to kick in first. In a few hours we’ll do the antibiotic drops again.

    I think I’m meant to do this twice a day an hour/hour and a half before the drops. I wish the emergency vet had written down the instructions. I hope the first proper clean out was the worst of it. My poor little cat. She was so good despite being terrified.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    I’ve finished talking at people. It didn’t go that well. I was meant to go second, but at the very last minute (23 seconds, to be exact), they told me the first woman was running late and that I had to go first. I managed to confuse the inclusion manager from a community service org and the engagement officer from Qlds version of dffh. Lots of ums and uhhs

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    Feeling a bit low. Went to the gym which kinda helped. Decided not to go out and save my money for next weekend.

    Enjoy your evening everyone ❤️

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    4 months ago

    Ticked a couple more preserves off the To Do list. 6 jars of sweet mustard pickles, and 16 jars of bruchetta topping (basically a marinaded tomato and herb mix).

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    TV review. So I watched Reporting for Duty on Netflix so you don’t have to.

    It has some genuinely funny moments, it has some slapstick, fart jokes and it’s nice fun, not dark. Like Groucho Marx he is constantly giving us his inner monologue. A less cynical blackadder. 100 times better than anything by chris lily.

    if you like dark humour mr inbetween is more your style.

    3 hobbits


    After watching The Secret Life of Pets 20 times with Bill Cat I was able to get every single allusion in this fun dirty parody. Stars Will Ferrell as the alpha dog. Depending on your parenting or aunting/uncling style this may or not be the greatest movie the kids have ever seen.

    4 hairy foot hobbits

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    Second last day in Adelaide, flying out tomorrow. Shit sleep again. Almost everybody got back pissed last night and I’m in a room that’s right in front of the elevator, so all night I was just hearing Bing Bong followed by 2 minutes of laughing followed by screaming teenagers yelling “cunt” more than even the most methed up far north Queensland bogans

    I’m at a yuppy weird cafe for breakfast today. Their menu says they’re a not for profit social enterprise cafe. Everything here is all sustainable, their bacon’s like fake but still real? It’s not vegan or vego, so it’s not facon, but it sure as hell is not actual bacon

    Decided to skip the opening plenary but I’ll get their just in time to talk at people

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    4 months ago

    Woke up with plans to go to flea market. Take the 92 tram, get off at Place Stephanie, walk down behind the Palaise de Justice, then down the little alley , et voila, je ici de Rue Haute et la Puce.

    oookaaay . I am not in that house or even country anymore 😵‍💫😂 Crazy dreams.