• whoreticulture@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Right, so you’re willing to throw Palestinians under the bus. The strategic action I am talking about is refusing to vote for candidates who will fund the genocide.

    Minorities are going through hell under Biden! He is not an ally. I don’t see how Democrats would try to appeal to Trump voters if they can demonstrably see that a HUGE chunk of voters need a more left candidate. A vote for Biden is a vote for no change whatsoever. It gives Biden and the Democratic party no incentive to change.

    • Syrc@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Again, Palestinians will suffer in any case. A third party miraculously getting 20% of the voters will mean either of the genocide-supporting candidates still gets elected, and that means 4 more years of genocide will happen anyway.

      And again, minorities are going through hell because of Trump-elected officials. The hope is that two consecutive Democrat terms will make the situation better, while if Trump wins that basically assures the next 4 years will be even worse than now, and that the following 4 will still have Trump-elected officials making it hard for whoever gets elected to get anything done.

      It doesn’t matter how huge the chunk of voters that need a more left-leaning candidate is as long as the ones voting Republican are bigger. It’ll always make more sense to appeal to the latter.