To clarify, I mean writing scripts that generate or modify classes for you instead of manually writing them every time, for example if you want to replace reflection with a ton of verbose repetitive code for performance reasons I guess?

My only experience with this is just plain old manual txt generation with something like python, and maintaining legacy t4/tt VS files but those are kind of a nightmare.

What’s a good modern way of accomplishing this, have there been any improvements in this area?

    6 months ago

    have there been any improvements in this area?

    Um… what rock have you been living under?

    For simple code generation, I use GitHub CoPilot. For complex generation, I use ChatGPT+.

    In both cases, I’m essentially writing the code “from scratch” myself every time, but now I can type “write a person class” then “add a name property”, etc. Best of both words - the control of hand written code, and the efficiency of not having to type all that code out.