A joint study between Yale University, King’s College Hospital in London and Doctors Without Borders found a single shot could be made for just 89 cents.
Before being an appetite suppressant, it is a medication for diabetes.
The problem is not the margin Novo Nordisk makes on an appetite suppressant, contrary to what the headline says.
The twofold problem is the margin on a diabetes drug, which weighs heavily on patients and health insurers around the world.
And the potential supply problems for diabetics, when a vital drug is sold as a miracle weight-loss remedy.
Before being an appetite suppressant, it is a medication for diabetes.
The problem is not the margin Novo Nordisk makes on an appetite suppressant, contrary to what the headline says.
The twofold problem is the margin on a diabetes drug, which weighs heavily on patients and health insurers around the world. And the potential supply problems for diabetics, when a vital drug is sold as a miracle weight-loss remedy.