There just really is no point. You have your opinions about levels of effort that must be put into shitposts, I simply could care less. So there is a watermark on a meme. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter to 99% of the people who see it so…why even argue about it being there?
There’s nothing wrong with effort
lol im not getting drawn into this with one of you people.
starts conversation
“I’m not getting drawn into this!”
There just really is no point. You have your opinions about levels of effort that must be put into shitposts, I simply could care less. So there is a watermark on a meme. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter to 99% of the people who see it so…why even argue about it being there?
Missing the point bro. I don’t care to argue, you started the convo tho. Just thought it was funny
Nah, fastandcurious started the convo.
I intentionally leave it there to upset people. Personally I prefer it removed though