• seananigans@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I know you made a joke about MacOS, but I am genuinely interested with what issue you have of it.

    • Beliriel@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It sucks in the way you understand and know because nothing else even exists. No one is interested in having to cater to their walled garden unless there’s money to be made. Meanwhile both Linux and Windows have many open source projects and hobbyists working on things. So you might get a mac driver for something you buy but most of the time macos is an afterthought at best in many hobby projects. Also lol mac gaming is a joke. Even Linux is getting better support now than macos in that regard since the Steamdeck.

    • Eochaid@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah it was just a joke because I love to piss off the MacOS guys. But its like a brotherly teasing. Like, I love you guys, but I gotta rib you, you know.

      I think Apple’s biggest sin is that everything works as long as all of your hardware, software, and co-workers have an apple emblazoned on their back. But the moment you have to work with anything or anyone that doesnt use Apple, you have problems. And Apple seems to encourage this because it gets their users to dread working with Windows or Linux users.

      The sad thing is that I like a lot of their software. But using their OS is like having Steve Jobs standing over your shoulder and smacking you on the head when you try to shift outside of their intended workflow. I keep running into situations where Windows and Linux would let me go left or right (after finding a hidden and misnamed switch or running a well researched and crafted bash command), and MacOS just put a roadblock on the left because fuck you we said no.

      I know that my ideal of a perfect OS is unrealistic. MacOS is more stable because it’s more rigid. Windows and Linux prove that the more flexible you are, the harder it is to use. But settling for one option and looking down at everyone who chose different isn’t going to help. We should all keep criticising our chosen option and root for others that are criticising their own. Because it seems like Apple, Microsoft, and the Open Source community are all in a rut, safely ignoring basic fucking usage issues because of an implicit assumption that their user base isn’t going anywhere.

      I live in a mixed OS household. My wife and I both use windows and Apple machines for various purposes (my wife’s work requires both, my mac is just for dabbling) and I have some linux boxes for streaming or storage or whatever. And while that gives me the benefits of all three, I also have to deal with the problems of all three. And its a lot, guys. Not to mention they all refuse to work together.

    • Eochaid@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Why? So you can dismiss my complaints and claim superiority through a pointless and toxic debate?

      No thanks.

      The only reason anyone dives into an OS camp is because it sucks in ways that they have conditioned thrmselves to ignore or deal with or hand wave during debates such as these. That’s these OS debates never go anywhere. Because what’s sucks about MacOS to me is either something you intentionally ignore until I bring it up or something you can easily hand wave away.

      And instead of fighting with each other on behalf of giant companies, we should be united against them - pressuring them to be better. Improvements to one inevitably turn into improvements to another. But as long as we’re stuck in “camps”, the OS makers don’t even have to try - because we’re " loyal" our chosen option.

    • doggle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 year ago

      I haven’t used macOS in years, so now it might actually be the golden pie in the sky “it just works” OS that Apple’s fans have always pretended it was. But Apple’s condescending “we know what’s best for you” attitude that they take into iOS (and nearly everything else they do) puts me off from giving them a second chance.