• Ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    3 months ago

    There were female space marines in the very first edition of 40k ever printed. That was retconned.

    Why is it only a problem when they retcon female protagonists in to things rather than out?

    • slumlordthanatos@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Why is it only a problem when they retcon female protagonists in to things rather than out?

      Please don’t put words in my mouth. The issue was with how suddenly they changed it and how they clarified it, not with the change itself.

      Retcons suck. Going straight from “Women can’t be made into Custodes” to “Oh, there have always been female Custodes, you just didn’t see them in 30 years of lore, even though we explicitly said they couldn’t exist!” is just lazy and jarring, no matter the subject matter. Clarifying it with a tweet instead of just letting it speak for itself just poured gasoline on it.

      This is a good thing GW tried to do, they just handled it poorly.

      • Ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        3 months ago

        40k lore explicitly has an unreliable narrator and not unrelatedly, retcons that have “always been that way” is how the game has always been.

        Necrons, female space marines, genestealers, the old ones, they all got the same treatment.

    • Geoffvader@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Not quite correct, there were female models in power armour released with “rogue trader”, but very little lore and nothing specifically referenced female space marines. When they began actually writing 40K and 40K lore then they introduced the concept of the geneseed and it only working on males and they also introduced the sisters of battle who are indeed females in power armour but are not considered to be “female space marines” as such. None of it was actually retconned, it just wasn’t explicit in “rogue trader” and later became so when the first actual 40K edition was released.

      • Ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        3 months ago

        I’ve been playing 40k since the late 80s. I know the lore. I was there for it. I have watched it change over the decades. And sure, the female warriors weren’t explicitly labelled Space Marines, but they clearly were intended to be “the same” as the male models that would become Space Marines. The genestealers in Rogue Trader weren’t labelled tyranids either, but no one claims they weren’t by citing lack of specific lore at the time they were first published

        The only reason those models didn’t continue to be made is because misogyny meant the models didn’t sell. So female space marines got written out of the lore, and the sisters, in all ways lesser than space marines, were introduced, so as to not offend the fan base of the time with equality.