“This was not reckless driving. This was murder,” the judge said before she read out Mackenzie Shirilla’s verdict Monday afternoon.

  • thepianistfroggollum@lemmynsfw.com
    1 year ago

    You’re making the mistake of applying the behavior of people today with the behavior of people over a decade from now.

    Truly autonomous vehicles would fundamentally change the way the world views transportation, it will just take a while to get to that point.

    By the time we get to a critical mass of self driving cars, it’s very likely that owning cars won’t be a thing outside of the wealthy.

    The organizations that will be running the transportation services will have a vested interest in keeping as few vehicles in a fleet as possible, thus removing vehicles from the road (if we haven’t reached that point by the time self driving cars are a real thing)

    Also the idea that the people who couldn’t otherwise own a car would suddenly have $50k+ to go out and buy an autonomous vehicle is silly.