Archived copies of the article (podcast wrapper): [](Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You Think)

    6 months ago

    This, I think, is the biggest issue this election. These next four years are fucking crucial to what the future will look like under extreme climate change. I hope his summer wakes some people up, because we all know it’s going to be fucking devastation after devastation. And all these people on lemmy saying Biden is participating in genocide and therefore they won’t vote for him…it’s-

    I’ve explained it so many times. The country is in bed with Israel. Not Biden. Someone told me the other day “it won’t get worse for Palestine under trump. It can’t. If anything it will stay the same.” I said, okay, then how can you justify chucking the environment, women’s reproductive health, lgbtqia+ people, and all vulnerable groups into the fire if things will be the same for the apparent single issue you care about? And it’s not even that they care so much about Palestine. It’s just the issue du jour. every single time an election rolls around, there is always that one geopolitical or social issue that people are talking about. They can’t pull their heads out of it. And sadly, it’s not even that they care. It’s that people who they think are on the right side (“their” side) are riled up, so they have to be more riled up to be more just and on the righter side of history.

    That’s a pretty grim outlook, but I can’t help but see it that way. People were changing their profile pictures to French flags after the attacks there, they gave a shit about Ukraine and were riled up about that—until oct. 7, they gave a shit about Syria when that was the issue everyone was discussing. Flint. Haiti. The Uyghur concentration camps—that one hasn’t been solved by a long shot. Where is all the rage that everyone was feeling for that?

    None of these things got solved. They just stopped being in people’s feeds and like lemmings, they stopped being so passionate about it. People are so quick to be like, “the media is manipulating everyone (else)! They’re telling them what to think and changing the focus of ____!” While at the same time they are trailing behind whatever they choose to follow.

    It’s fucking maddening. We all know Palestine is a huge problem. There is a fucking genocide going on. But there is no option to fix that in this election. They’re almost separate issues. I mean, they are. Your country and the money behind it are committing genocide. The president is a figurehead on this particular issue. Throwing everything else away for a decision that won’t alter the thing you supposedly care about (at the moment) is so, so stupid. And I guarantee you there will be another issue that becomes everyone’s most important issue long before the problem of Israel/palestine is solved. But you watch, everyone will stop caring.

    • Empathy [he/him]
      6 months ago

      For a while now, I kept seeing posts about the Israel/Palestine issue, and almost every time, when I looked at their poster’s history, they were full of negative news against Israel and the US (often with a negative comment from the OP about the US, even when the article isn’t about to the US), and often contained lots of positive news, comments and remarks about China and Russia. I find this very suspicious, but I may be overly cynical.

      I’ve almost only been seeing this on and Perhaps I’m imagining it, but I also feel like I’ve seen these accounts promote not voting during the next election.

      I started tagging these accounts a few months ago and I frequently see their posts on the front page.

      6 months ago

      I will ALWAYS tell people they need to be strategic about voting. A vote is not an endorsement. It’s not a pledge of deep personal conviction for a cause. Your vote is currency to be spent, and it should be spent in such a way that gives you the best possible rate of return. Refusing to vote, letting a Trump win, actions like that? Pretty poor return on investment. If you’re in a place like California where you know the state is going Biden anyway and you think you can spend that vote in a way to protest and create more impact that way, that’s reasonable and cool. If you’re in Georgia, where every damn vote counts, and you do the same, you are being anything but.

      But on climate, I’ll defend Biden. The IRA is a good piece of legislation. It’s hard to overstate how good it is. He somehow got the biggest climate policy in US and likely the entire world’s history past an essentially-hostile congress (including 51+ anti-climate senators), and the law is almost entirely sound, reasonable, effective policy. It’s even baked into its design to have a self-reinforcing constituency – every year it survives, its repeal becomes less likely, just like with something like medicare or the ACA – since it promotes and creates entire slow-moving industries to respond to its built-in incentives.

      And sorry not sorry to piss off a lot of people, but climate is hierarchically the most important issue. If we do not address climate, all these other issues are irrelevant. We’re talking about something with possibly-apocalyptic ramifications. Our civilization has the potential to exist a very long time. We have the potential to make a lot of changes, right a lot of wrongs, make the future way better. Climate change is very nearly the only threat that cannot take advantage of all that time, because the deadlines are fast approaching – some already blown away.

      I’ll be voting for Biden in the next cycle. I think his entire foreign policy related to the middle east is asinine and evil. I think that if he does lose in November, it will be 100% his own fault for throwing in with the undeniably-genocidal regime of Benjamin Netanyahu. But I know that things will be worse for Gaza with Trump in the white house, because then what little resistance to the slaughter exists will go away; Trump loves a dead Arab, after all. And more important, I know things will be way worse for absolutely everyone if the hard-won progress we have had on climate since 2020 is all thrown in the bin. That may well be the point of no recovery for the entire world.

      6 months ago

      none of this shit would be on the table to lose if biden stepped the fuck down for someone else to run.

      anyone else.

    6 months ago

    I don’t understand why he hates wind. Being that he’s nothing but a bag of hot air, maybe he fears the competition?

      6 months ago

      Nearly every bully i remember from back in school is a maga chud. Completely unsurprising

    6 months ago

    With automatic transcription and how clean their audio is, there is no excuse for their not to be a full transcript on that page. ADA (and international equivalents) needs to be taken more seriously.

    6 months ago

    Trump doesn’t give a shit about oil and gas. It’s just one drum he’s forced to beat in order to carry out his self-aggrandizing power fantasies. This distinction is largely semantic and therefore doesn’t change anything meaningful. However, it bothers me to see someone state that he cares about anything other than himself.

      6 months ago

      He most likely doesnt like wind power because it stopped his scottish golf course.

      Edit: and because he’s being told not to like it