It’s definitely one way. I like how she just stalled things for an few days first.
Problem is that no vaccine is 100% effective, so groups which don’t vaccinate result in the virus circulating, and pose a very real risk to those of us who do vaccinate
My impression is that it was highly regional, with a few areas, covering several percent of the population, being really big on it for several years.
That’s on us. Nobody else is coming to do it.
Mind you, NYC accepted a deposit from the federal government. Kinda like your employer deciding they didn’t feel like giving you your last paycheck, and yanking it back.
You won’t need one if you’ve got Javascript working and don’t run a browser extension which strips off the gift token
That is what a border adjustment mechanism is. This is a Canadian newspaper though.
I figure that emoji is already banned on government computers. They went so far as to ban the spoon emoji because people were using it to respond to the Elon Musk “Fork in the Road” attempt to get people to resign
The problem with “from water” is that it takes as much energy to separate the hydrogen and oxygen in water as you get back by oxidizing the hydrogen to produce water. You can’t use water as a useful way to store hydrogen for energy because of that.
There’s a protest going on right now, including several Congressional Democrats.
We never had the support in congress to pass carbon pricing, which is why the Inflation Reduction Act was structured the way it was.
Nah. That was to support the Russian takeover.
The “malnourished fuckface” was working for Triple Canopy, part of what used to be called Blackwater. Talk is easy. Taking a bullet is not.
What they’re doing as a result of constituent pressure is voting ‘no’ on everything. It’s not having a huge impact yet because confirming cabinet appointments only needs 51 votes, and Republicans have that with a few to spare.
The place it’ll be meaningful is on the debt ceiling increase, where it will take Democratic votes to pass it in both houses.
The objection was always that somebody dark-skinned might be President, or that assets might be expropriated from billionaires, not that tyranny might be an issue.
Little-known fact: US sanctions are similarly keyword based. So if you call your international terrorist group Exxon, you can cause real problems for the oil company
That’s the problem with being on the side of the rule of law: you’re constrainted by it, but the side of lawlessness is not.
We could be, but are also avoiding a lot of drownings that are likely if we try disassembling it while at sea
We are very very far from anything like the Star Trek prosperity society though. I’m not expecting changes to monetary policy to be able to get us there either; they’re a way to moderately improve peoples’ lot, and to shift the balance of power from capital to labor and tiny bit
I’ve seen others try this in other positions. They stop getting paid and are locked out from work, and sue