• theneverfox@pawb.social
    3 months ago

    Definitely not - the boomers are finally on the way out. The boomers have held on way past their time, and we can’t afford to let Gen X have a turn… They’re the ones who need to take a back seat - they’re nearing retirement age if they haven’t hit that point already, millennials are in our 30s and 40s

    We need to support and join together with the younger generations. We might not be as young as we used to be, but we’re prime age to start taking office and organizing/enabling

    • loomi@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      We Gen x have been practicing taking a back seat our entire lives. As a generation we still don’t outnumber the boomers. Or we just crossed them on the graph. Pre covid we were supposed to finally cross around 2027. Covid might have skewed the projections. Kind of explains why we are the way we are. Never could do fuck all unless the boomers also wanted it.

      And now the millennials are the largest group. Yall got the numbers. Use ‘em.

      • theneverfox@pawb.social
        3 months ago

        You guys really are the forgotten generation… My dad claimed to be a millennial the other day, because he forgot there was something in between us and boomers

        Millennials were told “put in your time, and eventually it’ll be your turn”, but we learned early on that “doing everything right” wasn’t going to get us anywhere.

        I feel like a lot of gen X are hanging onto that like a lifeline (not nearly all of course, there’s plenty who don’t drink the Kool aid, and took me aside to lay out the truth early). Like despite how only the lucky ones came out ahead, it seems like there’s this fear of any change, like it’d tear away what little they’ve managed to hang on to

        Maybe it’s because it wasn’t entirely a lie for the first half of gen x’s career, maybe it’s because most of the changes did tear more and more out of reach… Or maybe it’s just bias since most of my older family did come out ahead and that led me to find friends with similar life experiences

        Granted, I’ve found older millennials tend to be just as dogmatic if they got ahead, generations are just such broad ranges

        What’s your take?