You know how cursor behaves in practically any text field / text area / command line, where arrow keys move cursor by single character, but holding down Ctrl while pressing arrow keys moves cursor by whole word.
What kind of wizardry would one do in order to switch this around?
As in, make the move-by-word the default behaviour, but make holding down Ctrl move cursor by just a single character?
Some keyboard input binding, where ⬅ is an alias for Ctrl+⬅ ? But no idea how to make the opposite of this. Make Ctrl+⬅ an keyboard shortcut for xdotool key Left
or something?
Does a setting like this already exist?
Also not sure if /c/linux is the most appropriate community for this question. Feel free to suggest more appropriate one or even cross-post to there.
Thank you
For Zsh, this might work:
bindkey '^[[1;2C' forward-word bindkey '^[[1;2D' backward-word
If these don’t work for you, try this:
read -rsk1 s while read -rsk1 -t 0.1; do s+=$REPLY; done printf '%s\n' ${s//$'\e'/'^['}
And type the chord/key you want to check.