Hi everyone! Do you remember the video about detecting edges using the Sobel operator, which we enhanced by using Gaussian blur? One of the drawbacks of Gaussian blur is that it’s somewhat computationally intensive, which can pose some performance issues for our game if we want to apply such an effect in real-time. In this video, I will demonstrate a much faster way to blur our sprite or the entire screen.

  • WhiskyTangoFoxtrot@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    So you think that reworking previous things in a major version change in order to make a more consistent overall engine instead of letting every previous bad decision persist in a build-up of cruft is “turning stuff into a dumpster file because of no consistent direction,” and that the better use of the developers’ time would be to implement features that any half-decent shader coder could do on their own, and that anyone who wasn’t a half-decent shader coder could easily copy and paste from someone who was?

    I’m glad you’re not making the decisions for Godot. Curious as to why you’re hanging around the Godot Lemmy community, though.

    • NocturnalMorning@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      It’s not more consistent. If it was, I wouldn’t have complained about it. When I brought it up to the developers, they admitted that they went overboard with the renaming of their stuff.

      Any half decent shader coder could do on their own

      Have you even read this thread, or did you just jump in to complain after the conversation started? I said, verbatim, this wastes time bcz there’s a ton of other stuff to do in developing a game, and serious game studios aren’t going to have time to do this stuff from scratch. And if they do have engine devs, or enough resources to do it, then they probably aren’t using godot anyway.

      For the record, I’m an aerospace engineer. I am plenty capable of writing my own shaders. The point is, and you seem to be missing that, I shouldn’t have too.

      I want to make my game, not spend time developing functionality that should already exist. Hell, I spent the last 6 months working on a game, adding inventory management, soulslike fighting, AI, a tutorial level, etc, and I still have a metric fuck ton of stuff to do. And I didn’t write my own water shaders, or glass shaders.

      Its about managing your time and resource, of which there’s currently only one of me to work on my game.