• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Last I heard lots of trans people are killing themselves. Sounds like a mental health crisis more than a political one.

    As someone with formal experience in psychology and mental health, the entire mental health crisis our society faces is the result of politics. As economic inequality goes up, mental health problems go up. Workers pushed by their bosses burn out. People living paycheck to paycheck have worse mental health. Everyone has worse access to healthcare and don’t seek the help they need because they can’t afford it. Trans people kill ourselves because our problems aren’t taken seriously by close minded people like you.

    You see mental problems as a personal fault rather than a collective responsibility. This is because you think people deserve what they get and have sole “responsibility” for their suffering. You act woke, but you’re more ignorant to suffering Biden. Tell your children how you voted and never deny that you let a fascist gain power. Hopefully they’ll be decent people in spite of your efforts.

    • venusaur@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      As somebody who has formal experience with psychology and mental health you should know better than to deal in absolutes. Not sure what you define as the “mental crisis” happening in our country right now. Are you only talking about trans suicides?

      Yes, politics play a role in mental health, but whatever mental health crisis you speak of cannot possibly be contributed to politics entirely. Especially, because as you seem to believe, politics are a result of the people’s actions or inactions, meaning the people influence culture as much as politics influence society.

      You should know better than to make assumptions who you think I am by projecting all of your frustrations with the political system and society on me. It’s okay. I’ll be your punching bag. I hope you can find happiness and I wish you good physical and mental health.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I want you to actually interrogate your beliefs, but thoughts and prayers are all you can muster. What more can I expect from someone stuck in the mindset of personal responsibility? I mean, you repeatedly assume that because you don’t know about something already, it must not be real or worth investigating. Can’t win an argument against people who have no motivation to learn or grow 😁