A post-US world which we are quickly approaching (again, no chud crap, go away) has a lot of complications for standards put forward by regulatory bodies of America, which all countries follow – mostly because when these standards were created, these countries, even the most technologically-advanced (e.g. France) were behind America. Also, America, at the time, was powerful and most importantly, it was a producer of the hardware the software ran on.

Fast-forward 5-6 decades, and this is questionable if the US is going to have enough power to entice other nations to follow its standards. And that is mayhem.

For this reason, and a lot of other reasons, I am in favor of liberterianism because then, it would not be a government ran by octogenarians deciding standards for communication, it would be smart people working for other smart people. But I digress.

Also, again, no chud shit. I am not implying that America will be reduced to ruins in the upcoming years, no nation, whether an empire of a bunch of huts in Siberia, have ever ‘fell’ with no outside force. The much-overrated ‘empire’ which Americans just so love to obsess about, did not blow up, it faded, with its oriental counterpart well-flourishing for 10 centuries after that. So don’t take this as me saying ‘America will be annihilated’, again, no chud shit. What I am saying is, you cannot deny America is losing its power, its wealth, and thus its influence. People are less likely to follow standards set by your regulatory bodies when, you are, well, 2024 US.

The implications of a post-US world is numerous, mostly, the people seeking to take US’s place don’t like liberterianism, and they don’t speak English so all the English I have learned will be useless. But let’s focus on this aspect: What happens to the standards?

Will these substitutes develop better standards? I doubt it. The place in history that created this standard, and the people behind them, are unique. You can’t find another Ken Thompson at the ‘"sea"food’ market in Beijing.

Will we live in a post-standard world? Windows already broke the ‘standards taboo’, when it comes to the operating system at least. What this. But when an international network is concerned, that’s less feasable. What if Jimmy’s computer says A is 65, and Schlomo’s says it’s 666?

Worse, cryptography. Well, for ‘serious shit’, people roll their own crypto because it does not hurt to add obscurity to security. But what about primitives? For every suite, for every protocol, people use the same primitives, which are standardized.

I would have not been worried if the next influential superpower was not a couple of chuds.

Again, US is not going to disappear. It will still have its cultural power, if not its military or financial — and these standards are not going to be sudo rm -rf’d from the world.

In a positive turn of events, maybe, America will be known for being the birthplace of computer and open software, open standards, etc, — and I am not going to say ‘instead of’ because I am not American and the US might be culturally inferior to my nation, but it’s still a ‘better’ place, in an aggregated sense. So America is an ‘ok-er place’ than where i live so I am not going to insult a country where 340 people call home, as much as I despise these people for insulting me over and over for the past 15 years. So whatever, you live your life, I live mine. We’re talking big picture here.

Anyways, I am not very psyched for the future.

  • palebluethought@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Why would anyone stop using those standards? You seem very confused about the incentives for adopting standards. Sure, maybe US-driven standards were chosen over other possibilities partly because of political environment, but once you have a perfectly good standard adopted you’re not just going to throw it out because the original author isn’t cool anymore. You don’t need a dominant power to adopt standards.

    And for being “slightly political” and “focused on the standards,” your post sure does spend the majority of its time talking about only politics and not about standards at all