I mean “Lion’s commentary on the UNIX source”. This badly needs it. Not some first-class grifter Chud like LowLevelLearning who pronounces GNU as “Gee-enn-u” blowing his soy packets all over Youtube’s UDP packets (I actually did a ‘Don’t Recommend Channel’ on him, knows shit and talks big) but someone who actually knows stuff – as in, not a shitty video made for view (like the piece of shit Dave Plummer just made, that’s why I even know this exists) I mean something that contends with Lion’s.

My main issue understanding this is:

  • Weird mnemonics that I don’t recognize, especially <v4 — I haven’t written x86 for about a year though;
  • Weird library calls, both in C and ASM, as for C I understand their K&R-like syntax but this is too prehistoric;
  • Lack of syntax highlighting — which I will write a Vim Syntax file for soon but what this needs is an LXR. Not as convoluted as an LXR, just something to make it easy to navigate.
  • Just explaining more advanced stuff. I haven’t developed any operating systems since CTSS fired me for slapping too many secretaries on the ass and impregnating a few — that was the 60s of course, I died a few years ago and now that I am reincarnated, I have forgotten all but insulting people in the field whom I don’t like.

Anyways, if you did not know this exists, now you know.