I promote my pawn to pivot table
i couldnt excel in chess, so decided to chess in excel
I’ll raise you rnbqkbnr/ppppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/pppp1ppp/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2. Come at me bro.
I don’t know the format but shouldn’t it be rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 to remove the pawn ambiguity ?
Aw fu, I mean…You see through my plan THIS time… Erm… yeah.
Give it FICS integration
Source code?
Just make sure when pieces get taken you drag them under the board instead of deleting them. Otherwise what will you do when you need to promote a pawn?
There’d be no coming back!
How do you differentiate black and white pieces? Maybe half the pieces should have white text instead
Is there a variant of chess where you use the same color? Like blind chess but you’re only color blind.
Definitely. White background too. Chess Team Six ready for check.
♔♚ ♕♛ ♖♜ ♗♝ ♘♞ ♙♟︎
Was thinking the same, use unicode or emojis for chess pieces.
CAPS vs lowercase
Yeah, it definitely needs to be color coded.
The other thing that would bother me is that if you’re playing black, you have to play upside down. I wonder if there would be a way to “flip the board”.
I think sheets will let you flip the text completely. Although then issues with using mouse when looking at it from that side
Probably could make a board on another sheet with a formula that points to the opposite side of the board
That sounds like a nightmare of VBA code. I love it!
I can think of 1½ ways to do that that wouldn’t involve VBA.
They WOULD be a nightmare though.
Lol. Fair enough. I’m not sure which would be worse.
In the spirit of anarchy chess, I MAY need to find out. For science.
And they definitely need to make the spaces squares.
You can be the first human to do en passant on that platform
Even better, you could write a macro so en passant would be forced
Why does black get to go first? 1. E5? (good meme though)
white actually went first but they played the swedish samba (Kf3, Kg1)
Finally I can do something useful through SharePoint